Become a Member…
Stay connected to and support PFLAG NH at the same time by becoming a member. Use the button below to sign up online with your credit card or PayPal account. Membership is valid through next October after which we hope you will renew. Other support options are available below. PFLAG NH is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Dues and donations are always tax deductible. If you have any questions, please contact us. Thank you!
Family/Partner $35
Individual $25
Student $15
…Or Simply Give to the PFLAG NH Cause!
We rely on the generosity of individuals and organizations to fund our support, education, and advocacy efforts. PFLAG NH is a 501(c)3 non-profit. Here’s how you can help:
- Make a direct, tax-deductible donation. Use the Donate button below to make a gift by credit card, or make a check payable to PFLAG NH, and mail to
- PFLAG NH, PO Box 957, Concord NH 03302
- Attend and give generously at functions for which PFLAG NH is the beneficiary.
- Encourage organizations that seek beneficiaries to consider giving to PFLAG NH.
- If you cannot afford to give, but have some free time to spare, a donation of time and energy to PFLAG NH is as good as gold! Feel free to contact us.