Become a member

Become a Member…

Family/Partner $35

Individual $25

Student $15


…Or Simply Give to the PFLAG NH Cause!

We rely on the generosity of individuals and organizations to fund our support, education, and advocacy efforts.  PFLAG NH is a 501(c)3 non-profit. Here’s how you can help:

  • Make a direct, tax-deductible donation. Use the Donate button below to make a gift by credit card, or make a check payable to PFLAG NH, and mail to
    • PFLAG NH, PO Box 957, Concord NH 03302
  • Attend and give generously at functions for which PFLAG NH is the beneficiary.
  • Encourage organizations that seek beneficiaries to consider giving to PFLAG NH.
  • If you cannot afford to give, but have some free time to spare, a donation of time and energy to PFLAG NH is as good as gold! Feel free to contact us.
Thank you for your gift