Speaker Bureau
Over the years, PFLAG NH recognized the need to reach out and educate people throughout New Hampshire about the challenges and needs of the LGBTQ community. To provide that voice for the community, the PFLAG NH Board created a speaker bureau. Over the years we have reached into the communities of New Hampshire by speaking at churches, schools, universities, health care providers, prisons, and more. We have testified before the New Hampshire Legislature and presented to political organizations.
Our Speaker Bureau consists of PFLAG NH staff who are gay, lesbian, transgender, non-non-binary, and straight. We are committed to educating and sharing our experiences on a variety of LGBTQ issues. We speak freely about the struggles and successes of our journeys toward acceptance, in order to help people better understand our community and our LGBTQ loved ones. We offer solutions for supporting the community. Our current focus is on issues concerning the transgender and non-binary community. They are at the front lines of the battle for acceptance and equality.
We do not charge a fee to speak, but donations are welcome. In New Hampshire, we are an all-volunteer organization. All donations are tax deductible and 100% of donations are applied to the expenses associated with the work we do. Please donate as generously as your organization can afford. We will put it to good use! When you request a speaker, we will provide more information on how donations are spent and how you can donate.
In the video below, Christen B addresses the needs of transgender individuals in the state of New Hampshire before the New Hampshire House of Representatives. It serves as a “Trans 101” narrative.
Educational Tabling at Events
If your organization supports LGBTQ people and you plan to host or sponsor an educational conference, a Pride event or any other public event, we would be happy to provide volunteers to host a table with valuable educational information for family, friends, and people from the LGBTQ community. We bring booklets, brochures, buttons, and enthusiasm!

Request a Speaker or Event Tabling
If you would like to have a speaker for an event, a seminar, to participate on a panel, or would like us to table at one of your events, please fill out the form below. We will get back to you within a few days.